Bruxir Crowns | |
Post-op Bridge - Pre-op Bridge | |
Anterior Wear corrected with Hybrid Resins | |
Zirconia Anterior Crowns | |
Bruxir Crown, Cuspal Fracture | |
Zirconia Bruxir Crows, Cuspal Fracture | |
Bruxir Crown, Fractured Alloy | |
Implant Placement | |
Worn Translucent Incisal Edges, Translucency Corrected with Hybrid Resins | |
Arrow, Bruxir Crown, Arrow, Canals Prepared,Vertical Fracture, Postop Root Canal | |
Arrow, implant abutments, implant supported bridge |
Bridge | |
Zirconia Bridge | |
Bruxir Zirconia Bridge, Fractured Root Remnant, Bridge Abutment Preparations |
Splinted Crowns, Severe Coronal Breakdown | |
Bruxir Crown, Defective Alloy | |
Bruxir Crown, Vertical Fracture, Postop Rot Canal, Fracture Illumination | |
Bruxir Crown, Hairline Fracture, Prepared Canals, Postop Root Canal | |
MultiView / Composed |